Sunday, September 16, 2007


The following drawings form an experiment I conducted involving the Cascajal block. The experiment consisted of taping the Cascajal “block” (the paper reproduction) to a window and taping another blank piece of paper on top of it. The ensuing productions represent the movement of a pencil approximating the movements of my eye muscles as they “read” the paper. What I mean by “read” here is not at all clear. That is why there are seven productions—each one represents a different kind of “reading” and thus a different definition of what a reading is. Since the drawings represent physical muscle-stimuli response, explaining the logic behind the reading would take a fierce effort of translation that would not be exact in any sense of the word. I have been working over the past 10 months to describe in some way the varying features of each of these distinct readings. I have been completely unsuccessful. Translate for me the feeling of holding a body.

Months later I outlined some of the marks I made during these experiments in black and some in gray which had the effect of differentiating foreground and background.

I also rotated the orientation.

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